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QS EduData Summit

Start Date: June 4, 2024
End Date: June 5, 2024
Location: Washington DC, United States

Our Senior Events Manager, Lisette van Kessel, is looking forward to attending QS EduData again. The summit, which is being held at the Capital Turnaround in Washington DC this year, will be held under the theme ‘AI and Digitally Empowered Education’.
At Knowledge E, we recognise the transformative potential of AI in enhancing the discoverability of research content. By attending this event, we’re excited to engage in valuable discussions about the responsible use of AI and address concerns related to bias, privacy, and transparency.

If you are attending QS EduData, or you are in the area of Washington DC, and would like to set up a meeting, please reach out by email to

About EduData
Taking place on the 4th and 5th of June, this year’s EduData Summit will explore current case studies of AI in education and delve into the historical context of what is being undertaken. Bringing together experts in the fields of AI, education, employment, and ethics, we will consider the practical realities of AI-empowered education for students, educators, administrators, employers, and policy-makers.
This summit offers an excellent opportunity for delegates to learn from industry experts, network with like-minded innovative educators, and gain valuable insights to improve educational excellence. Join EduData to enhance your understanding of how AI can help create intelligence-empowered education and how we can be armed with the right tools to implement it safely and ethically.

To learn more, please visit