Electronic library resources

World-class content

Knowledge E represents and works with most of the world’s top publishing houses and we do therefore support institutions, individually or in consortia, to identify and negotiate suitable subscriptions and one-time purchases.

Relevant and suitable

Regardless of the requirements, or the size and type of budget, Knowledge E will find a suitable collection for your library. We collaborate closely with our clients to identify the most relevant publishers and electronic resources seen to their users’ needs.

More than just content

We do not stop at just providing access to the content, we also facilitate training and awareness sessions on the content provided and support any technical issues users might come across while using the resources. Furthermore, to support the challenges faced by librarians these days, Knowledge E strives to empower your library through:

Electronic library resources 1

Here is a list of some of our publishers and providers we are currently working with in the region.

To explore more on how we can work together, please contact us at sales@knowledgee.com or request more information below:

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