The solution for seamless access to e-resources
At Knowledge E, we aim for a long-term, collaborative approach with our clients and see each project as a partnership. As part of the collaboration, we bring the latest technology and content of the highest quality to serve the institutions’ evolving needs.
When an institution joins the collaboration with Knowledge E it is possible to make use of a single module to start, and then to flexibly evolve and make a more extended use of our capabilities over time. The KnE Digital Library platform is continuously being advanced based on input from the community. Institutions are contributing by providing feedback, enhancing existing functionality as well as suggesting new features and content.
The common characteristics of all modules is that each institution benefits from them as a service, with no need for internal IT-resources. The KnE Digital Library platform offers the following modules that all work seamlessly together:
e-Resources & Library Technology
Discover collections from top tier publishers, and access all e-resources through a single platform with our digital library solutions.
Single Sign On (SSO) authentication
Including optional integration with the
institution’s Active Directory (or other local
login server), to ensure a seamless access to all resources.
Advanced usage statistics
Both on the user behavior on the platform as
well as Counter statistics automatically
retrieved from the publishers.
To explore more on how we can work together, please contact us at or request more information below: