10 simple steps to sustainable living by Knowledge E

Today marks 50 years of celebrating Earth Day!

Are you looking for easy ways to reduce your environmental impact? Whether you’ve decided to go green to help the environment, lead a healthier lifestyle, or to save money, every step you take towards eco-friendly living is one that helps the world.

The Knowledge E team has put together simple tips on how to be more sustainable to help you start your journey towards a cleaner, greener, and more mindful existence.

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1. Cut out plastic 

Plastic seems to have found its way into every single aspect of our lives. Did you know it takes between 15 and 1,000 years for a plastic bag to decompose? Giving it up isn’t as difficult as you might think – bring a reusable bag with you when you go shopping, buy your fruit and vegetables loose, stop buying bottled water, and absolutely never use plastic straws. Ever.


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2. Switch to paperless bills

The increased usage of paper over the last 40 years has led to rapid deforestation, which is problematic since trees play a huge role in absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. Plus, for over 1 tonne of paper, over 1.5 tonnes of CO2 emission pollutes the air instantly. Make the easy switch to paperless bills and pay your bills online. It’s very simple. Go paperless, save trees.


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3. Bring greenery inside your home

The benefits of indoor landscaping go far beyond the aesthetics. Interior plants can reduce carbon dioxide levels and decrease levels of certain pollutants such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide. There is also a substantial body of academic research that has shown that interior landscaping has dramatic effects on wellbeing.


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4. Recycle everything  

Repairing, recycling, or fixing something is more environmentally friendly than just throwing it away, although the latter may seem easier and cheaper sometimes. The internet gives you access to all the tools and information you need to fix practically anything, and if you still can’t fix it, then why not try and turn it into something else?


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5. Use glass and ceramic dishes and containers

Derived directly from the earth, ceramic is one of the most natural materials you can use in your home. No matter how long it lasts, it will not hurt the environment. You can also switch to glassware, wooden dinnerware, and traditional china, although it’s essential to look for brands that state they are lead-free.


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6. Practice minimalism  

According to one study, the products we consume are responsible for 60 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. Walk around your home and try to remove or recycle things that aren’t essential. Buy less and invest in quality items that last for a while. If you’re consciously monitoring what you buy, you consume less and, in turn, produce less waste.


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7. Switch off electricity

Energy conservation is one of the most important things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. Leaving your electricals on standby unnecessarily uses up energy. Instead, switch off everything once you have finished using it. Maximise natural light; it sets the body’s circadian rhythms, which control sleeping patterns, synthesising vitamin D, and digestion.


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8. Opt for DIY beauty products

Many beauty products contain mercury, plastic microbeads, and other toxins that can wind up polluting waterways. You can minimise your carbon footprint by using less water, looking for recyclable packaging, and making a few homemade face scrubs, hair masks, and toners for eco-friendly alternatives.


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9. Grow your own food

It’s not as complicated or time-consuming as it sounds, and it’ll eliminate the enormous carbon footprint of all those refrigerated vehicles importing from other countries. Cherry tomatoes, leafy greens, and green beans are some of the easiest foods to grow. For those who don’t have a garden, you can do your part by growing herbs like basil, mint, and thyme on a windowsill.


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10. Download when you can

Digital technologies have completely changed the way we consume content, which is why buying and downloading audiobooks, eBooks, films, and music (legally of course) is one of the easiest steps to living more sustainably. For those who can’t resist physical copies of their favourite books and films, you can always buy second hand or borrow. Mother Earth will thank you.


New Year’s isn’t the only time to make resolutions. How about we all make one big one this Earth Day to live a more sustainable existence?

To continue reading more on how to live sustainably, check out www.zendy.io for the latest research, tips, and tricks.