5 Tips to make the most of studying (even with music)

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Studying is so important, because without it we can’t expect to get good scores on our tests and exams, and it helps us to learn more about the world and some of the important things within it. With exam season forever looming around the corner, it is good to get into the right habits now so that you are able to study efficiently, and also learn more about the way you work. After all, every mind works differently, and some methods are better suited to one than they are the other.

1. Organise your space

The first thing you need to do is take a look at your workspace and see what you are dealing with. Are you naturally organised or do you seem to dwell in what you tell others is organised chaos like me? Most experts agree that a tidy workspace leads to better productivity and motivation, and as much as you may love your clutter it needs to be moved and tidied up so that you can work better. Trust me; once you do it, you will wonder why you didn’t before.

2. Remove distractions

We all have different things that distract us when we are trying to work. For some it is the television, others it is figures and ornaments that are on their desk. Whatever your distraction is, remove it from the study area so that you are not tempted later on. Once they are gone, you can study without looking up regularly to see if they are there to fiddle with or watch.

3. Select the right music

Music can actually be really beneficial for studying, and all you need is the right stuff. Typically, studies show that classical music or the sounds of nature yields the best results in those that study while it is on. They can be quite relaxing to listen to as well, reducing stress and lowering blood pressure. However, they aren’t the only choices you have.

The same studies have also demonstrated that music you like is a great choice as well. If it has lyrics there is a risk of it becoming distracting, but those who studied while listening to the kind of songs they enjoyed performed better than the group listening to tracks they hated – so there are some good selections for you to make.

4. Take breaks regularly

If there is one thing to remember above anything else, it is that taking breaks is absolutely essential to a good study session and retaining information. If you end up burning out and reading the same line over and over, you need to stop and do something else. It is recommended to take a break every hour for around ten minutes, but you’ll find out which method works best for you.

5. Get enough sleep

Just like taking breaks, a good night’s sleep is also key if you want to get good grades or at least study in an efficient manner. The mind slows and stops working as well when it is tired, and sleep deprivation can make it even worse. Instead of cramming the night before, do some light study before bed, get an early night, and make sure you have a long and restful sleep. It will do wonders for your mind.

To conclude

It’s not always easy to hit the books and stay there, but hopefully, our little tips and tricks will help you to stay focused and really open your mind to the information in front of you. You may have also spied our little section on music and how it can help you with studying. If this is something you found intriguing, we have an excellent and detailed guide to help you procrastinate…we mean study.

By Will Tottle, Freelance writer & Blogger

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