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KnE Foundation and Dubai Cares: Four Years at a Glance

The pledge

It is hard to believe that, in our day and age, communities are still struggling to receive basic school education. Looking for a way to give back, Knowledge E found that the “Adopt a School” programme, which Dubai Cares had launched back in 2013, resonated with the company’s institutional and knowledge values. In December of 2017, Knowledge E pledged to adopt a school a year until 2020. Since then, the foundation has contributed to building schools in Kalanga, Malawi in 2018; Louba, Senegal in 2019; Svay Rieng, Cambodia in 2020; and Madzidzi, Malawi in 2021.

How this aligns with our vision

Knowledge E’s primary aim is to support education and research in the region and globally by offering solutions and services to government entities, academic institutions, and individuals. This vision is closely tied with that of the KnE Foundation. Making knowledge, education, and research more accessible also means extending a hand to those who cannot afford basic education. By building schools in remote areas for communities that might not have been fortunate enough to have their education rights met, we can contribute to “a more knowledgeable world” in a manner that is inclusive, far-reaching, and long-lasting.

2018: Kalanga School in Malawi

With high rates of HIV and AIDS in the country, many children are left orphaned at a young age. Poverty and illiteracy rates are also quite high, making it more challenging for Malawians to improve their living conditions. Kalanga, a rural area in Malawi, faces the extra burden of being 18 km away from the main road. Therefore, its residents have more trouble accessing schools and getting a formal education.

In November 2018, and after the completion of the school with the help of the Kalanga community members who put more than 2500 working days into the project, 373 boys and 404 girls now attend classes in eight different grades. Members of the Knowledge E team also had the chance to visit the site, help with the construction, and meet the lovely people of Kalanga. With the help of Dubai Cares, its implementing partner, members of the Ministry of Education, and the Knowledge E Foundation, more children in Kalanga will be able to attend school and re-write their futures as a result.

2019: Louba School in Senegal

With over 50% of the population of Senegal living below the poverty line, education and literacy levels are challenged. The village of Louba is 32 km away from any main road, and therefore it is harder for its residents to gain access to education, among other necessities. In Louba, local volunteers helped build the school. In fact, women substantially contributed to the physical construction of the school in the community. Fortunately, Knowledge E staff were also able to briefly visit Louba and take part in building the school.

A promise was made by the Louba community to enrol both girls and boys equally at the school – an effort to help to bridge the educational gender gap present in many developing countries. After more than 2000 days of work, the school began giving classes to 28 boys and 24 girls in October 2019. Enrolment is expected to increase steadily as the school expands and grows. The children of Louba would not have had this educational opportunity were it not for the hard work of the community members, partners in the Ministry of Education, and of course, the contributions of both Dubai Cares and Knowledge E.

2020: Svay Rieng School in Cambodia

Despite not being able to physically join our partners in their efforts to set up the school in Svay Rieng, Knowledge E is proud to have been able to contribute to this loving community of thirsty minds. Building the school, which comprises three classrooms, a library, a teacher’s house, solar panels, latrines, hand wash facilities, and a clean water well, was effectively completed in February 2021.

Sixty-four students – of whom 24 are girls – have enrolled in the school, and another 15 are expected to join within the coming months. The school is community-owned, and with the training and capacity building that our partners are leading among teachers, the community will eventually become capable of managing and running the school independently.

2021: Madzidzi School in Malawi

Parents and grandparents came together to build the school and provide a better education to the young children of Madzidzi. Together, they volunteered many days of work and committed to enroling girls and boys alike. With the help of the Knowledge E Foundation, Dubai Cares, and partners like buildOn, the two-classroom school was completed with two gender-specific latrines, desks, chalkboards, and motivated teachers. 190 knowledge-thirsty students are now attending the school, 95 of whom are girls.

The joint efforts of the Madzidzi community and other partners will offer the children of Madzidzi new educational opportunities that will help them create a brighter future. The school now has four dedicated, full-time teachers teaching six different grades.

What’s next for the Knowledge E Foundation?

As always, the Knowledge E Foundation is constantly looking for new ways to help and support less privileged communities by dedicating a portion of Knowledge E’s profits to noble causes like education and disaster relief. In recent years, the impact that the foundation was able to produce, with the help of its partners, has been huge. The coming years are similarly promising, and the foundation hopes to keep touching more lives and unlocking the potential of people from various nationalities and origins.

About Dubai Cares and Adopt a School programme

Dubai Cares is promoting lifelong education by supporting early childhood development, primary and secondary education, technical and vocational education, and youth training. By designing and funding scalable, sustainable, and impactful programs, Dubai Cares has reached over 20 million beneficiaries in 60 developing countries. Since its launch in 2013, and with the help of individuals and corporations, the Adopt a School programme was able to renovate and build more than one hundred schools. Explore different school adoption opportunities with Dubai Cares here.