Do you want to stay updated on the latest breakthroughs and research in your chosen field? Our Top Picks, handpicked by our journal editors, feature the finest in Open Access research. This month’s picks feature articles with exciting insights into AI, cancer research, education, and social and emotional learning.

1. Can AI Save Us from Financial Fraud?
From foreign princes asking for funds in our inboxes to increasingly intricate malware attacks, concerns about financial fraud have only grown greater in recent years. Consumers, governments, and corporations alike are anxious to prevent individuals from exploiting their positions for personal gain. But while hacking and data breach software pose new threats, developments in artificial intelligence (AI) demonstrate that new technologies can offer new solutions. Researchers have found that AI can be used to assist corporations by picking up on anomalies in vast quantities of data. This ability to notice potentially suspicious patterns makes AI a remarkable tool for identifying fraudulent activity and safeguarding the integrity of company data.
Learn more about the uses and effectiveness of AI financial fraud detection in this systematic literature review.
2. Keeping Our Kids in School: A Budget Issue?
Dropping student enrollment has emerged as a key issue in countries in the Global South. With hopes of facilitating the growth of a skilled population of young citizens, policymakers and education specialists have sought to remedy this problem. One approach has been for regulatory bodies to increase funding for institutions and students to motivate them to stay in school. But can an increase in education-related spending alone solve the issue?
This quantitative study evaluates the impact of funding-related initiatives on the dropout rate among students in Indonesia.
3. Can MSC Therapy Revolutionise Cancer Treatment?
Cancer remains a key global health challenge, impacting millions of people across the globe. As medical professionals strive to make treatments more effective for their cancer patients, mesenchymal stromal/stem cell (MSC) therapy has emerged as a transformative strategy. The small, spindle-shaped MSCs have natural homing abilities that help them find tumors, allowing them to precisely and effectively target cancer. New research also suggests they can protect against radiation and can be engineered to carry anticancer drugs. These developments provide new hope for revolutionary treatment in the fight against one of the world’s deadliest diseases.
Learn more about the possibilities for personalised and effective cancer treatments through MSC therapy in this article.
4. Building Better Relationships: The Role of Emotional Competencies
Whether you want to improve your relationships with friends or coworkers, reduce feelings of social anxiety, or achieve academic growth, developing social and emotional competencies is a must. The ability of individuals to access these core competencies can impact the creation of positive, responsible, and secure relationships in various climates. The question is: how do we support the social and emotional learning necessary to build these capacities?
Read more about common concepts in social and emotional learning (including the Big 5 personality types) and how to implement it here.
5. How is LinkedIn Shaping Gen Z Careers?
As Gen Z professionals step out of the classroom and into the workforce, they increasingly look to digital tools to facilitate their career goals. One such tool is LinkedIn, the professional networking platform that allows users connect with potential employers, share their latest achievements, and follow relevant industry leaders. By making use of these features, Gen Z capitalize on their experience as a generation shaped by the presence of the internet, and forge pathways toward new and exciting career opportunities.
Discover insights from this study on Indonesian Gen Z students, exploring how they leverage LinkedIn to strategically plan and achieve their career aspirations.