KnE Publishing Top Picks for March 2023

Top Picks is the perfect opportunity for early-career and seasoned researchers alike to engage with the latest advancements within their fields, as we curate a list of recently published Open Access articles. This month’s articles have been selected by our expert journal editors, and explore sustainable practices, modern motherhood, storytelling as a tool for education, and advancements in women’s reproductive health. 

Open Access Research

1. Palm Oil: Friend or Foe? 

Farming practices on palm oil plantations have been a major point of contention for many environmental scientists. Research has uncovered the harmful impact of palm oil production on the environment by studying its role in massive deforestation projects across the world. However, recent studies have countered this position by highlighting the potential benefits palm oil plantations could have if nurtured and managed through sustainable agricultural practices. 

Find out more about palm oil plantations and their effect on our environment here.

Open Access Research

2. Is Sustainability a Western Value? 

Due to the Global North’s prominent resource accumulation, knowledge production, and media presence, it has often been labeled the champion of sustainable practices. Technological advancements and international aid from North to South have been key in developing such a narrative. However, researchers are increasingly calling for an acknowledgment of the Global South’s equal contributions to the advancement of the environmental sciences. Drawing on non-Western traditional and religious values, this study explores the role that sustainable practices play in Islamic doctrine. 

Learn more about how traditional religions, like Islam, have birthed sustainable values here.

Open Access Research

3. Can Stories Protect the Character of a Nation? 

Ancient cultures across the world preserved and transmitted information orally long before literacy became widespread, and a large portion of this oral knowledge base was focused on storytelling, using fables and folklore to educate young children about their familial and cultural histories and instill values such as honesty, compassion, respect, and kindness.

Discover how these researchers used ancient Indonesian folklore to teach positivity to young students here.


4. Can Women Really Have it All? 

The role of women has taken many shapes and forms over the course of time, as mother, caregiver, breadwinner, protector, and much more. But has society evolved institutionally and culturally in order to support her in her expanding roles? While the modern woman takes on more responsibilities working full-time jobs and raising her children, research suggests that working mothers are still largely expected to fulfill the role of caregiver within their families. This study explores the ways that added stress and busy schedules can hinder the emotional development of children being raised by working mothers.

Uncover the ways that limited childcare can impact the health and well-being of families here

Open Access Research

5. Can We Cure PCOS? 

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) affects one in 10 women, making it the leading global cause of infertility in women of reproductive age. It can also negatively affect women’s health, weight, psychological well-being, and social standing. However, despite its prevalence, PCOS remains one of the most under-diagnosed conditions in women’s health, and yet no cure has been identified. However, research published in the International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine has recently uncovered a potential path to healing. 

Learn more about how researchers could potentially prevent the development of PCOS here

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KnE Publishing Top Picks for February 2023

As summer break ends and everyone settles back into daily routines, we have a fresh selection of articles from our Open Access research platform. Our top picks for August cover a wide range of topics, from student and teacher well-being to blood pressure medication and the dilemmas behind getting vaccinations.

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