Top 10 February reads from the KnE Publishing platform

The most popular articles from our KnE Publishing platform in February covered some serious ground, from new forest fire detection methods to the increasing use of A.I. in education. Here are KnE Publishing’s most read articles in February:


1. Behaviouristic Theory and its Application in the Learning of Speech

Behaviouristic theory is an approach to learning based on the idea that all behaviours are acquired through conditioning. This article from KnE Social Sciences tests the application of Thorndike’s and Skinner’s behaviouristic learning theory, particularly in storytelling learning.

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2. Aerial Forest Fire Detection and Monitoring Using a Small UAV

In recent years, large patches of forest have been destroyed by fires, bringing tragic consequences for the environment and small settlements established around these regions. This article from KnE Engineering proposes a new forest fire detection method using an algorithm consisting of a rule-based colour that identifies fire pixels.

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3. The Importance of Needs Assessment for the Implementation of e-Learning in a Language Program

This article from KnE Social Sciences discusses the importance of a needs assessment in e-learning programmes. How can a needs assessment help institutions establish their e-learning goals?

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4. Evidence and Promises of A.I. Predictions to Understand Student Approaches to Math Learning in Abu Dhabi K12 Public Schools

A new article from Gulf Education and Social Policy Review uses artificial intelligence prediction tools to investigate the potential reasons as to why K-12 students have consistently scored poorly on PISA mathematical tests. What challenges hinder students in learning mathematics?

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5. The Application of Levine’s Conservation Model on Nursing Care of Children with Cancer Experiencing Chemotherapy-Induced Mucositis in Indonesia

Mucositis, an inflammation and ulceration of the oral mucous membrane, is a common side effect of chemotherapy among children. This article from KnE Life Sciences discusses the problems nurses faced when applying Levine’s conservation model to children experiencing chemotherapy-induced mucositis.

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6. Comparison of the Effects of Duphaston and Cetrotide on Oocyte and Embryo Quality in Women Undergoing ICSI: A Cross-Sectional Study

This article from the International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine compares the effects of Duphaston and Cetrotide on the prevention of premature LH surge and characteristics of retrieved follicles and embryos in women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection. 

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7. Pattern of Uveitis in Iran: A Systematic Review

Uveitis is a form of eye inflammation and is the third leading cause of blindness worldwide. This article from the Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research analyses the clinical patterns of uveitis in Iran through a systematic review.

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8. The Influence of Financial Attitude, Financial Socialisation, and Financial Experience on Financial Management Behaviour with Financial Literacy as the Mediation Variable

This article from KnE Social Sciences determines whether financial attitude, financial socialisation, and financial experience have a quantifiable influence on financial management behaviour either directly or via financial literacy as a mediation variable.

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9. Enhancing the Knowledge of Cervical Cancer Screening Among Female Nursing Students: An Interventional Educational Program

Cervical cancer is a growing health risk facing women worldwide. This article from the Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences assesses female nursing students’ knowledge of early detection and cervical cancer screening.

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10. Utilisation of Shell Wastes for Locally-Based Cement Mortar and Bricks Production: Its Impact on the Community

This article from KnE Social Sciences demonstrates that when mussel and oyster shell wastes are transformed into an ash cement, it can be used as partial substitute for Portland cement in the production of locally-based masonry cement mortar and cement brick production. This has significant environmental implications, reducing the potential demand on Portland cement quarries in mountainous and forested regions.

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