Top 10 May reads from the KnE Publishing platform

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From the psychological stress caused by COVID-19 to the impact of technology on student teaching, these articles feature amongst the most popular reads from KnE Publishing during May:


1. Media’s Influence on Government and Society

This article from KnE Social Sciences explores the engagement of an indigenous group, Aeta Ambala, with different media and how this engagement affects their perception of their own ethnic identity. How do various forms of media affect the way the indigenous group perceive the outside world and their ethnic group?  

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2. Chronic Inflammation in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Case–Control Study Using Multiple Markers

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with insulin resistance and elevated risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This article from the International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine explores chronic inflammation in PCOS and its relationship with appropriate anthropometric and biochemical parameters.

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3. Project Development of an Underground Nuclear Power Plant on the Basis of the Integrated Ship Reactor, KN-3

Underground nuclear power plant settings have beneficial effects on the power plant industry. This article from KnE Materials Science examines the design and development of an integrated ship reactor (type KN-3) as a possible solution to the challenges around power supply in far and remote areas, where people have little access to power generation.

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4. The Managerial Skills of Visual Merchandising Managers of Retail Establishments in the National Capital Region

This article from KnE Social Sciences determines the managerial skills of visual merchandising managers in the National Capital Region in the Philippines. What are the key managerial skills that would lead to effective visual merchandising as showcased in the stores’ exterior and interior design? 

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5. The Association of Lymphocyte Count, CRP, D-Dimer, and LDH with Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Meta-Analysis

The rapid progression of COVID-19 and its increasing burden on health systems have created the need to identify clinical parameters to help monitor the development of treatment algorithms. This article from the Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences investigates the association of lymphocyte count, CRP, LDH, and D-Dimer with the severity of COVID-19.

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6. The Roles of Technology Literacy and Technology Integration to Improve Students’ Teaching Competencies

Students majoring in accounting education courses should be equipped not only with the contents of the subject but also key pedagogy skills. This article from KnE Social Sciences discusses whether technology literacy and technology integration can influence students’ teaching competencies.

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7. Von Hippel-Lindau Disease and the Eye

Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL) is a benign vascular tumour of the neurosensory retina that sometimes appears as a sporadic lesion. This article from the Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research reviews the literature on the clinical diagnosis and treatment of VHL.

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8. Thousands of Babies Saved by the Community Empowerment: Free Lending Home Incubator for All

Health care facilities and hospitals in Indonesia are lacking baby incubators especially in remote areas. This article from KnE Social Sciences discusses the effect of community engagement on opportunities for creating community empowerment in helping premature babies.

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9. Psychological Stress of Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The majority of nurses experience mild and moderate stress levels due to the high risk of being infected with COVID-19. This article from KnE Life Sciences measures the psychological stress conditions of nurses during the pandemic and how government and health care providers can help ease the stress.

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10. Planning of Sustainable Industrial Zones and Means of Achieving Them in Iraq

Industrial activities are a major source of air, water, and land pollution. This article from KnE Engineering discusses sustainable industrial zone planning in Iraq as a solution to the negative effects of industrial activities on ecosystems and human life.

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