Top 10 November reads from the KnE Publishing platform

As the turbulence of 2020 continues, coronavirus has overwhelmingly dominated conversation. Why not change the direction of yours with the latest developments in your field? From entrepreneurship to generative design, dive into some of the top reads in November from KnE Publishing:



1. The Application of Levine’s Conservation Model on Nursing Care of Children with Cancer Experiencing Chemotherapy-Induced Mucositis in Indonesia

Mucositis, an inflammation and ulceration of the oral mucous membrane, is a common side effect of chemotherapy among children. This article from KnE Life Sciences discusses the problems nurses faced when applying Levine’s conservation model to children experiencing chemotherapy-induced mucositis.

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2. Media Engagement and Ethnic Identity: The Case of the Aeta Ambala of Pastolan Village

This article from KnE Social Sciences explores how different media affects the indigenous group, Aeta Ambala, and how they perceive their own ethnic identity. How do different media forms cultivate opinions?

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3. Globalisation, National Identity and the Transformation and Renovation of Museums in France and Mainland China

In the neoliberal era, with the growing need to attract more visitors, museums serve not only as cultural landmarks but also as commodities. This article from KnE Social Sciences aims to analyse the similarities and differences between the renovation approaches adopted by the Louvre and the Beijing Palace Museum.

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4. The Performance of Crowdfunding Models as an Alternative Funding Source for Micro, Small, and Medium-Scale Businesses in Various Countries

Crowdfunding is a way for people, businesses, and charities to raise money, typically via the internet. This article from KnE Social Sciences discusses the advantages of crowdfunding as an alternative source of financial support.

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5. Generative Design: What it is? How is it Being Used? Why it’s a Game Changer!

Technology is changing the way we design the products of the future. This article from the KnE Engineering series summarises how generative design works, how it is being used and why it is changing the way we design things.

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6. Identifying Motivational Factors Impacting Entrepreneurship: Evidence from an Emerging Economy

The emergence and development of entrepreneurship is a growing phenomenon in today’s globalised world. This article from KnE Social Sciences explores the motivations behind entrepreneurs. What are these motivating factors?

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7. The Value of Trust in the Drama Tersasar Di Jalan-Mu

Trust is a key theme in the Erma Fatima’s drama Tersasar di Jalan-Mu. This article from KnE Social Sciences discusses the concept of trust in drama within the context of Malaysian society. What problems surrounding trust arise?

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8. Topical Interferon Alpha 2b in the Treatment of Refractory Diabetic Macular Edema

This article from the Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research aims to report the efficacy of topical interferon alpha 2b in the treatment of refractory diabetic macular edema. Can interferon alpha 2b be used as an effective treatment?

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9. Family Dialogue Culture and Its Obstacles in the Omani Family from the Viewpoint of Teachers in North Eastern Province, Sultanate of Oman

This study from Gulf Education and Social Policy Review investigates the dialogue within Omani families in Oman and its hindrances from teachers’ perspectives. How do gender, social status and the level of education affect dialogue?

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10. Nurses’ Knowledge and Practice on the Care of Preterm Infants at Khartoum State Hospitals

This article from the Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences aims to assess nurses’ knowledge and practices regarding the care of preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit in Khartoum state hospitals. How much knowledge did the nurses show?

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