Top 10 October reads from the KnE Publishing platform

So many articles, so little time! To spare you the trouble of looking for your next great read, we’ve put together a list of the top 10 reads from our KnE Publishing platform. From macroeconomic risks to the psychological impact of Covid-19, here are October’s top reads:



1. The Psychological Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Health Professionals in Sudan 2020

Coronavirus has led to severe health problems and high public anxiety and in particular, it has had a significant impact on healthcare personnel. This article from the Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences assesses the psychological effects and suggests that rates of depression rose amongst healthcare providers, as did cases of PTSD.

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2. Experimental and Theoretical Substantiation of Device Performance in Soy Milk Production for Animal Feed

Inadequate protein intake in animal diets creates a tendency to reduce the profitability of agricultural enterprises. This article from the KnE Life Sciences series explores and analyses the technologies and methods involved in producing soy milk.

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3. Spiral Progression Approach in Teaching Science: A Case Study

The Philippine educational system underwent several developmental stages before it reached the current educational system. This article from the KnE Social Sciences series offers a formative assessment on the implementation of the spiral progression approach in teaching science in the Philippines.

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4. Globalisation, Social Media and Public Relations: A Necessary Relationship for the Future?

Globalisation is gradually ensuring the homogeneity of all goods and services, together with social and cultural influences around the world. This article from the KnE Social Sciences series investigates how social media has reshaped public relations in the newly globalised era.

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5. Generative Design: What it is? How is it Being Used? Why it’s a Game Changer!

Technology is changing the way we design the products of the future. This article from the KnE Engineering series summarises how generative design works, how it is being used and why it is changing the way we design things.

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6. Water Scrubbing for Removal of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide) in Biogas from Manure

Biogas upgrading is a vital step to produce high quality fuel. This article from the KnE Energy series explores the various factors that contribute to eliminating gas impurities such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide from biogas.

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7. Media Engagement and Ethnic Identity: The Case of the Aeta Ambala of Pastolan Village

This article from the KnE Social Sciences series explores how different media affects the indigenous group, Aeta Ambala, and how they perceive their own ethnic identity. How do different media forms cultivate opinions?

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8. Orthokeratology in Moderate Myopia: A Study of Predictability and Safety

Orthokeratology refers to the use of contact lenses that temporarily reshape the cornea to reduce refractive errors such as myopia. This article from the Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research discusses the safety profile and predictability of orthokeratology lenses in terms of myopia correction. 

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9. The Dimension, Diversity and Complexity of the Macroeconomic Risk 

Macroeconomic risk is the change in asset value due to persistent shocks to the real economy. This article from the KnE Social Sciences series considers the dimension, diversity, and complexity of macroeconomic risk.

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10. Pistang Pamana, Pistang Naaayon: A Sociocultural and Environmental Sustainability Framework for Town Fiestas

Town fiestas have increasingly responded to the challenges posed by sustainable development. This article from the KnE Social Sciences series develops a sociocultural framework for town fiestas by analysing its key practices.

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