The Knowledge E Foundation donates to Education Uninterrupted and 10 million meals

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The world is facing many challenges amid the spread of Covid-19, which has caused significant disruptions across the globe, particularly to vulnerable communities. Many educational institutions have been closed in an attempt to contain the spread. Many individuals and families are without food and necessities.

Ramadan is the month of giving. In light of the holy month, the Knowledge E Foundation has donated to Education Uninterrupted and 10 million meals, to give back to the community. Every individual of the Knowledge E team was given a choice between the two initiatives, which laid the base for the total allocation.

Alone we cannot change the world, but we can all contribute to causes that make a difference. To learn more about how you can support those in need during the crisis, please follow the links provided below.

Education Uninterrupted

A nationwide fundraising campaign that tackles the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on the education of children and youth in the UAE. The campaign, which is in line with the UAE Government’s decision to extend distance learning until the end of the academic year, calls on the UAE community to make financial and donations in support of children and youth from low-income families who cannot afford to purchase a desktop computer, laptop or tablet. That way they can join their peers in distance learning from the safety of their home.

Read more here


10 Million Meals

The nation’s biggest community campaign to provide meals or food parcels to support vulnerable individuals and families in collaboration with Social Solidarity Fund Against Covid-19. The campaign enables corporates, entities, humanitarian and charitable organisations, businessmen, philanthropists and the public to make financial contributions towards providing meals or donating food and parcels to be directly distributed to families and individuals across the UAE.

Read more here

About The Knowledge E Foundation

Knowledge E Foundation was created with the aim of directly impacting people’s lives with a focus on improving the conditions for research and education. From disaster relief to building schools in remote areas, KnE contributes a proportion of its profits to worthwhile causes where we can make a difference.

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