Book & textbook services

Boost the accessibility and discoverability of your research

The demand for online open educational resources is rising globally, especially for books and textbooks. By publishing an Open Access book or textbook with us, you will unlock an international audience and increase your readership and citation opportunities by up to 50%.

We offer a 360-degree publishing service covering every stage of the publishing process, from production to promotion. Our services are flexible and customised to meet the highest international academic standards. We deliver editorial content and plagiarism checks, formatting, copy editing, typesetting, ORCID and KUDOS integration, and excellent post-publication promotions. Our exceptional scholarly support will ensure that your research gets the recognition it deserves.

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High Quality

What we can help you publish

KnE Publishing streamlines the publishing process and seamlessly manages it for you from submission to distribution. We welcome book proposals and submissions across every discipline, from Humanities and Social Sciences to Medical and Natural Sciences.

We publish single and co-authored texts in the following categories:

✔ Scholarly monographs

✔ Edited collections

✔ Textbooks

✔ Conference collections

✔ Manuscript formatting

✔ Theses

More about our services

At KnE Publishing, each project is a partnership. Your book will receive a dedicated publishing editor, who will advise you on international academic standards, and promotion opportunities.

In addition, our experienced marketing team will work closely with you and with our publishing editor to define and develop a tailored marketing strategy designed to promote your book within its specialist field. This service includes social media and email announcements for the publication, and subsequent ad hoc promotions relating to key themes and featured chapters.

Publishing services

✔ Dedicated publishing editor

✔ Meticulous editing and typesetting

✔ Archiving, Dols and IBSNs to ensure the lasting visibility and protection of your work

✔ Branded webpage

✔ Creative and compelling cover design

Dissemination and promotion

✔ International indexing

✔ Kudos and ORCID self-promotion tools

✔ Digital flyers for conferences

✔ Multi-platform publishing

✔ Email and social media campaigns

✔ Detailed guidance and training material

We understand that publishing your book is only the first step to getting it read and have designed a wide range of post-publication services for you.
To learn more about how we can support you, request more information below!
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Gain visibility

Working with KnE Publishing will allow you to host your publication on our Open Access platform and extend its reach to a global readership. This will boost your book’s visibility and its international stature. Once published, your Open Access titles receive ISBNs, and each chapter receives an individual Dol to ensure that all your research is quickly and easily discoverable in a wide variety of indexing and abstracting databases. With five offices on two continents and an expert marketing team, we will promote your book to an international audience.

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Increase credibility

We provide a dedicated editor to advise you on the best publishing practices, ensuring that your book adheres to the latest academic standards and that the content is in impeccable shape – ready to be read and reviewed by other researchers.

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Save time

With our expert editorial and marketing teams handling the details of publishing and promotion, you will have more time to focus on your next projects. Additionally, Open Access publishing provides a faster turnaround than traditional print publishing – we guarantee just two months between submission and publication.

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Reduce costs

Open Access books are freely available online and therefore reduce the costs associated with publishing, education, and research for universities and students alike. Similarly, textbooks can be quickly and easily revised and updated at later stages for minimal cost.

Open Access textbooks

Open Access textbooks offer a more affordable, equitable, and sustainable approach to education.

Authors get greater control, faster turnaround times, better visibility, increased readership, and better public engagement. Meanwhile, institutions benefit from lower access and publishing costs, get permanent access to up-to-date textbooks for all staff and students, and garner worldwide recognition for their academic outputs.

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Accessible anywhere by everyone
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Update easily with new discoveries and data
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Quickly restructure and adapt for new course plans
Our service includes artwork and infographic creation, expert copyediting, and a streamlined production process. Each textbook receives an ISBN, and each chapter is assigned its own DOI. In addition, every chapter will receive its own dedicated landing page, with HTML and PDF options. We handle all indexing requirements, and offer an array of pre- and post-publication promotions. Finally the service also allows for future revisions, making it quick and easy for authors to update their textbooks to reflect new developments and changing course structures.

Supplementary services

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Marketing Collateral and Campaigns Packages

To endorse your online presence
Our Marketing Collateral and Campaigns packages can help you promote your book more effectively. Whether it is an edited collection or a new monograph, we can create the print and digital accessories you need to ensure its success. We can also run targeted marketing campaigns on Google, Facebook, and other platforms to advertise your work to new audiences.

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Advanced Editing and Translation Services

To provide you with extra support when you need it the most
At KnE Publishing, we understand the importance of perfect presentation in academic publishing. For this very reason, our advanced editing team works meticulously on solidifying your content, enhancing your argumentative reasoning, and improving the stylistics and structure of your syntax. In addition to that, we offer translation services into English from the following languages: Arabic, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish.

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Social Media Starter-pack

To expand your professional presence to a new realm
Social media is an invaluable tool for researchers and other professionals, allowing them to showcase their work to a global audience. Though it can be confusing and time-consuming, owning and maintaining a social media account is rapidly becoming indispensable in today's globalised world. Our Social Media Starter-pack includes the creation of a professional account, with bio and visual collateral, as well as a detailed, 30-day social media calendar with thematically defined visuals, captions, and hashtags.

How it works

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To learn more about how we can support your publishing and research cycle, request more information below!

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