16th–17th January 2018: KnE Masterclass – Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE

Start Date: January 16, 2019
End Date: January 17, 2019
Location: Knowledge Village, Dubai, UAE



Attracting better submissions & mastering our journal management

Editors play a critical role in journal development and advancement. Beyond the foundational skills for journal operations, editors must be proactive leaders to ensure that the importance and value of the journal is recognized on the international level. Moreover, they must be proponents for upholding high standards of publication ethics. There are many strategies that an editor can employ to ensure success and elevate their journal operations in the dynamic and ever-evolving academic industry. In addition to this, attracting quality submissions to an academic journal is an ongoing goal and challenge for many editors. In the current publishing environment, the competition for quality submissions is higher than ever. As we experience the effect of established journals with high Impact Factors capturing the attention of tenure-track researchers and the influx of online journals being launched by notable scholars and organizations every day; it is paramount to the success of any journal to attract submissions from top scholars and to show that your journal is publishing influential research in its field. In this masterclass, you will enhance your journal management skills by exploring the impact of publication ethics and learning practical tools to actively respond to international indexing and journal metrics. You will also explore practical actions and strategies that you can take to make your journal stand out in the crowd and attract better submissions.


Journal editors & professionals supporting journal publication.



Day 1

  • What is a professional journal: Essential components & author/reader expectations
  • Submission & peer review
    – Technologies – what do you need and why
    – The need for excellence
    – Ethics
  • The website: Essential components & options for online publishing
  • Indexing: The good, the bad and the ugly
  • How to be indexed – with realistic expectations
  • Pitfalls and problems: The most common mistakes & how to avoid and manage problems


Day 2

  • Clarifying exactly what you are looking for (updating your aims and scope)
  • Soliciting contributions from preeminent scholars
  • Attracting leading scholars to join your editorial board
  • Providing a superior experience to authors who submit to your journal
  • Strategies for support (partnership, advice, guidance, & mentoring)
  • Managing expectations: working with authors
  • Prioritizing where to expend your efforts
  • Developing and maintaining a reputation
  • Creating and using networks
  • Outreach and promotion
  • Working with authors, building citations, & gaining visibility




Pippa Smart
President of the European Assoc. od Science Editors
Editor in Chief of Learned Publishing

Pippa Smart is an independent research communication and publishing consultant with nearly 30 years of experience in the academic industry. She currently serves as the President of EASE (European Association of Science Editors) and is the Editor-in-Chief of Learned Publishing, a quarterly journal for the scholarly publishing community. She is the non-executive Director of Practical Action Publishing, the publishing arm of the charity, Practical Action and writes amonthly newsletter for ALPSP (Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers).

She began her career with a degree in publishing and anthropology from Oxford Brookes University. During her career, she has worked for Blackwell Science, CABI(Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International), and Cambridge University Press. In 2002 she joined INASP(International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications), a development organization supporting editors and publishers in the developing world, helping them raise quality and publish online, and developed the African Journals OnLine programme (AJOL). In 2007, she became an independent consultant and since, has undertaken a wide range of activities for companies around the world.[:]