New Trends in Research Dissemination: Increasing Presence and Impact, Egypt

Start Date: June 16, 2019
End Date: June 17, 2019
Location: Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University


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06/16/2019 12:00 AM
06/17/2019 12:00 AM
New Trends in Research Dissemination: Increasing Presence and Impact
(Egyptian Knowledge Bank), Cairo, Egypt


This course is ideal for all active researchers involved in writing research papers, applying for funding grants and reporting performance indicators to management and University press-room managers: with responsibility for strategic planning, publicity and promotion of university output, or other interest in benchmarking and university rankings.


The course will be instructive but also include hands-on elements, to help users begin to develop a practical appreciation of how social media can be an effective technique for science communication and raising the profile of the work of researchers and groups. The course will address skills such as choosing appropriate social and media tools, a discussion of strengths, weaknesses and contexts of each platform; identifying an audience and developing appropriate content that can help increase readership and citations of work online.
The course will look at alternative metrics to measure the presence and impact of research and publishing and provide some examples of valuable members of the scientific community to follow, engage with, and learn from. The course features a strong emphasis on openness and interaction, to give participants the opportunity to raise their own points of view or to address specific questions concerning them either with the group or privately. There will be a series of short lectures with breaks for questions, comments and input from participants and some practical sessions. In order to make the most of the course, people are encouraged to come prepared with questions specific to their role and research area.

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