EU Funding Health Research: An Introduction to Horizon 2020 and PRIMA, Egypt

Start Date: July 17, 2019
End Date: July 18, 2019
Location: Academy of Scientific Research and Technology


This course is ideal for anyone with an interest in transnational individual work, or in international collaborative research. The presented content was equally relevant to young scientists at the beginning of their career and to well-established researchers, in particular to those working in the Health Sciences.


This Training Workshop provided an overview of Horizon 2020 and relevant partnerships in the Health Sciences field, with a specific focus on areas of particular relevance to scientists from Egypt. Following a thorough introduction to the programs as well as its eligibility and financial rules, course participants learned how to navigate through the plethora of funding opportunities and how to lay the groundwork for their H2020 participation. In a step-by-step approach, the speakers were able to guide the audience through the entire proposal process, starting with the basics of project planning, work allocation, and time planning all the way to writing a competitive proposal.

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