29th March 2015: RDA Cataloging for College of the North Atlantic Qatar (CNAQ), Doha, Qatar

Start Date: March 29, 2015
End Date: March 29, 2015
Location: College of the North Atlantic Qatar (CNAQ), Doha, Qatar

This workshop will bring you the latest news on Resource Description and Access (RDA) and give you a thorough overview of the new content standard. Topics include: FRBR review; RDA Core elements for description, preferred titles and names; changes from AACR2; articulating relationships between resources and entities; RDA Toolkit functionality; using workflows and mappings to catalog materials with RDA. Through exercises and hands-on cataloging experiences, participants will receive a thorough grounding in RDA.

– Are you moving to RDA or importing RDA records?
– Have you started looking at RDA but are confused by compilations, collaborations and conventional collective titles?

This workshop will teach you how to catalog materials, using such tools as AACR2, RDA, LCC and Library of Congress Subject Headings. will address original & copy cataloging in the MARC format. The instruction will cover issues like the chief source of information, physical description, main entry, and choice of additional access points. In addition, participants will learn the MARC fixed and variable fields for monographs, serials, maps and e-books etc. and will study the relationships among these fields. Several MARC record examples will be examined, and a number of hands-on exercises will be included. The booklet for this workshop contains RDA rules combined with MARC coding information. Basic navigation in the RDA Toolkit will be covered and number of practical exercises.

The Session will cover:
* RDA Terminology
* MARC 21 updates
* Differences between AACR2 & RDA
* RDA toolkit

Learning Objectives:
– to distinguish between work, expression, manifestation and item as they apply to describing and providing access to resources and understand their roles in enabling users to find, identify, select and obtain resources
– to build descriptions of resources using RDA Core elements
– to create authorized access points using preferred names for persons, families and corporate bodies and preferred titles for works
– to articulate relationships between works, expressions, manifestations and items and between resources and persons, families and corporate bodies using RDA vocabularies.
– to use the RDA Toolkit and workflows to identify rules relevant to describing resources and creating access points.

By the end of the course, participant will:

– Be aware of the principles underpinning RDA
– Have explored the use of RDA to describe both items
– Understand the continuing development of RDA
– Be able to assess the potential impact of RDA on their information service.
– Recognizes the RDA changes in downloaded MARC 21 records
– Implement appropriate RDA areas in MARC 21

Workshop Stats:

  • 80% would recommend to others
  • 100% rated Average, Good and Excellent


  • “It was well organized.”
  • “Very useful for my work.”
  • “Very informative!”