Education Excellence Sustainability, Bahrain

Start Date: June 4, 2020
End Date: June 4, 2020
Location: Virtual event


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05/18/2020 08:00 AM
05/18/2020 02:00 PM
Ankabut User’s Meeting 2020
Virtual Event

Knowledge E’s Head of Training and Consulting, Samantha Miles, will be speaking at the upcoming Education Excellence Sustainability forum! To set up meetings and appointments after the event, contact Knowledge E at

We look forward to e-meeting you all there!


Education Excellence Sustainability is an online forum that will tackle issues pertaining to teaching and learning during COVID-19, maintenance of quality assurance measures, and higher education future strategies. The forum is hosted by Ahlia University, a private institution that offers students throughout the Gulf and internationally, the opportunity to join a truly productive and challenging university.
