Introduction Session for Health Topics Funding (Egyptian Knowledge Bank), Egypt

Start Date: December 7, 2019
End Date: December 7, 2019
Location: Kasr Al Ainy


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07/12/2019 12:00 AM
07/12/2019 12:00 AM

Intended Audience

This course is ideal for academic researchers, civil servants, doctors and others interested in funding opportunities with the EU.

Course Details

This introductory session will begin with an introduction to the European Union’s funding program focusing specifically on the Health topic related calls for proposals relevant for Egypt.  The workshop will guide participants through the key methodologies that enable them to write a proposal in response to a call for funding with a high chance of successful funding. The workshop will be instructive and will give participants the opportunity to raise their points of view or to address specific questions concerning them either with the group or privately. There will be a series of short lectures with breaks for questions, comments, and input from participants and some practical examples to work on.

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