Modern Libraries: Education and Practice (Egyptian Knowledge Bank), Egypt

Start Date: November 11, 2019
End Date: November 12, 2019
Location: Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Cairo


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11/11/2019 12:00 AM
11/12/2019 12:00 AM
Modern Libraries: Education and Practice (Egyptian Knowledge Bank)

Intended Audience

This course is ideal for professors and instructors in library and information science LIS degree programs, and institutional leaders developing LIS program improvements and modernization.

Course Details

This course will address international developments in library and information service practice and education. The course aims to enable library and information science educators to update their teaching skills, practices, and program operations to better prepare students for the realities of modern library and information service operations in the Information Age.

The course will be interactive with hands-on exercises that will provide the participants with preliminary plans for updating library and information (LIS) courses and programs.

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