ORCID Arabic Community Outreach Webinar

Start Date: October 6, 2020
End Date: October 6, 2020
Location: Webinar

Knowledge E is partnering with ORCID to host a FREE webinar which aims to show early-, and mid-career researchers how ORCID can help them get published, boost their impact, and accelerate their career promotion prospects. It will also help research managers and administrators harness the achievements of the faculty and aggregate it at an institutional level. It will also demonstrate best practice use of ORCID from top international institutions, answer your questions and collect any feedback you may have.

Knowledge E’s Publishing Editor Mohamad Mostafa will be speaking at the upcoming ORCID Arabic Community Outreach Webinar.

This event is open to researchers, research administration staff, publishers, and all those interested in learning more about ORCID.

To explore more about KnE Publishing, please click here or contact us at publishing@knowledgee.com