THE World Academic Summit 2020

Start Date: September 1, 2020
End Date: September 2, 2020
Location: Virtual Event

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09/01/2020 08:00 AM
09/02/2020 02:00 PM
THE World Academic Summit 2020
Virtual Event

Make sure to connect with the KnE team at the upcoming Times Higher Education (THE) World Academic Summit! To set up meetings and appointments after the event, contact Knowledge E at

We look forward to e-meeting you all there!


This year’s Times Higher Education World Academic Summit will take place online to enable hundreds of leaders in higher education from across the globe to unite in this period of profound global disruption.

This platform provides 48 hours for us to analyse new data, explore new ideas and set the global shared agenda for the next 10 years. The summit will give you space to reflect with your peers on the challenges created or accelerated by the pandemic, and to identify new opportunities for progressive reform.