A group of KnE journals move onto full spectrum KnE publishing workflow

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, 26th December 2019 – Three KnE journals will now be inviting authors to submit manuscripts through the KnE publishing system from January 2020.

The journals will invite authors to take advantage of the manuscript submission system as an improved, efficient part of the publishing workflow. Authors can upload their manuscript and cover letter to the journal of their choice where it will be sent out for peer-review. The journal editor will assign reviewers who will receive a notification that a new manuscript is awaiting their attention. Once the review process is complete, the editor will receive the reviewers’ comments and make an editorial decision about the manuscript. All through the process there are no emails or attachments, and submissions are assigned to the relevant journal issue. At all times, the editor will be able to see the status of submissions and take action whenever necessary.


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The journal editors and authors will be able to take advantage of the end-to-end KnE publishing system that includes both a fully functioning manuscript submission and peer-review system, and the online publishing platform www.knepublishing.com.

One of the challenges faced by journal editors is the task of handling manuscript submissions manually. In most cases, the publishing platform is separate from the submission system and editors have to send multiple versions of the manuscript along with its attachments back and forth to reviewers and authors. At the other end of the workflow, commercial submission systems are often not linked to a publishing platform and work out rather expensive for the journal owner.

Knowledge E has customised both systems into one seamless workflow making life easier for editors, reviewers and authors and enabling the journal owners to keep their costs manageable.


About KnE Publishing Platform

KnE publishing is the publishing arm of Knowledge E.

Knowledge E’s mission is to disseminate regional academic journal articles and conference papers to the broader global research community thereby creating a permanent, discoverable, archived, and Open Access record of high quality scholarly content. All articles published by Knowledge E are made freely accessible online immediately upon publication. All content on the KnE Publishing Platform is published under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY).

Knowledge E takes a responsible approach to peer-review insisting on the application of peer-review processes by journal and conference editors together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure the addition of high-quality scientific content to the field of scholarly publication. Knowledge E adheres to the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines.

Knowledge E is a member of several industry organisations, including the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP), the Publishers International Linking Association (Crossref), the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA), and a member of the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) and its Institutional Ambassador in the Middle East.

All of Knowledge E’s content is archived in Portico, a not-for-profit organisation, with a mission and singular focus to provide a permanent archive of electronic scholarly content.

Read more: https://knepublishing.com/