KnE Publishing Redevelops and Relaunches Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise for Zayed University


We are excited to announce the successful redevelopment and relaunch of the Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise (AJNE). This Open Access, peer-reviewed journal is owned by Zayed University and was launched to facilitate the dissemination of rigorous and innovative research in the fields of nutrition and exercise sciences.

AJNE seeks contribute to a greater understanding of how nutrition and physical activity combine and interact to maintain health and prevent non-communicable diseases. The research published by AJNE is relevant for academic researchers and medical professionals (particularly nutritionists, dieticians, and sports nutritionists).

As the only journal specifically focusing on the role of, and developments in, these interlinked disciplines in the Arab region, the Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise offers a unique contribution to this field and the wider academic and medical communities.


For more information on the Arab Journal of Nutrition and Exercise, click here.

AJNE covers an important area of cross-disciplinary study and as Editor-in-Chief, I look forward to helping it develop into a high-impact internationally recognised publication that makes a strong and sustainable contribution to our field, supported by the excellent work of our publisher, KnE Publishing.

The first issue of the newly relaunched journal includes the following titles:

• Editorial by the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Dimitrios Papandreous
• Association of PC Use and TV Viewing Hours with Women’s Recreational Physical Activity and Its Impact on Their Obesity Indices
• Microbial Load of Chicken Shawerma and the Handlers’ Compliance with Food Safety Practices in Jordan
• Integration of Healthy Eating Habits and Physical Activity through Nutrition Care Process to Tackle the Obesity Epidemic: A Narrative Review of the Evidence
• Multimedia As a New Approach for Learning in Physical Education
• Conference Report: Dubai Hosts 7th International Nutrition Congress

To read the full AJNE issue, click here.