Knowledge E presents “Writing a research paper in English: Tips for ESL authors”

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, 19th March 2017 — Together with Editage, Knowledge E is presenting this free webinar:

‘Writing a research paper in English: Tips for ESL authors’

Start Date: March 28, 2017
End Date: March 28, 2017


Do you feel that because of the language barrier, peer reviewers and readers do not understand your intended meaning or the essence of your study findings? Have you received peer reviewer comments suggesting that your manuscript should be revised by a native English speaker? In this session, you will receive tips on how you can improve your manuscript quality by writing clear and concise scientific English.

Who is this for?

Researchers who want to improve their English writing skills in order to reach an international audience.

Why should you attend?

Authors whose native language is not English often become anxious when peer reviewers comment that their papers need to be revised or rewritten for better readability and clarity. In this webinar, you will learn to avoid common errors in science writing and ensure that your text is correct, concise, and clear. The instructor will focus on basic principles of good science writing and share important language tips that will help you communicate your work effectively. The session will include an editing activity, to help you understand the process of revising science writing.

Topics to be covered:

  • What are the characteristics of good science writing?
  • Exercise: editing a descriptive abstract
    • Identifying and correcting errors
  • Finding the right expression: Google Scholar
    • Useful search strategies

The session starts at 11:00 AM GST (Gulf Standard Time)

Featured expert

David Kipler, Academic publication trainer & consultant


David Kipler is a specialist in biomedical communications for pharmaceutical companies, journals, and authors. His professional focus is helping researchers whose first language is not English to reach a larger audience.

After receiving a BA in history from the State University of New York at Buffalo, David relocated to Japan and has been working with biomedical researchers there and in other countries for more than 20 years. David obtained his certification as an Editor in the Life Sciences in 2005. In addition, he has acquired extensive experience as an instructor in English reading and writing and English for Medical Purposes: he was a member of the Toho University Faculty of Medicine for 14 years and has held faculty appointments at top universities in Japan, including The University of Tokyo and Keio University School of Medicine. David has long been involved in biomedical publishing and has served as language editor for several journals in Japan, including the Journal of Epidemiology.

David has written and presented on English education in Japanese medical universities, medical terminology, and professional development for biomedical communicators and is coauthor of the Medical English Listening Course for ALC NetAcademy. He is a member of the American Medical Writers Association, the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences, and the Japan Society for Medical English Education.