Do you want to stay up-to-date on the latest innovations and research in your field? Our Top Picks are curated by our journal editors to bring you the best in Open Access research, with this month’s carefully selected articles exploring issues around accessibility, healthcare, education, and culture.

1. Is Your Skincare Routine Hurting Our Planet?
In 2021, the global skincare market size was estimated at USD130.50 billion, with sheet face masks alone accounting for USD329.2 million. As these masks become more of a staple in households across the world, environmentalists have begun to highlight the negative environmental consequences of the product, urging consumers to find more sustainable alternatives. Thankfully, scientists may have successfully developed an eco-friendly solution to keep your skin soft and your conscience clear.
Learn more about the biodegradable material that could be saving your skincare routine from damaging the earth here.

2. Does Medical Tourism Ensure the Best Results?
Health is one of the most precious things a person has. When that health is under threat, many will do anything to protect it – including traveling to different continents to receive medical treatment from the best medical institutions. Researchers investigate this phenomenon within the GCC region, as some of its citizens travel abroad to undergo critical surgeries at the hands of internationally renowned physicians. But is this choice always what is best for them?
Discover what local and regional physicians have to say about this intercontinental practice here.

3. Can Duolingo’s Gamification of Language Improve Your Child’s Fluency?
Duolingo, a language teaching application, is becoming increasingly popular as more and more people download the language learning application to learn a plethora of languages every day. Language teachers have begun to take notice, experimenting with its use as part of their daily class plans. The app’s gamification system has been theorised to positively influence children’s learning by motivating them to keep practicing their language skills, as children earn gems for completing a lesson and complete friend quests with members of their class.
Find out more about how Indonesian teachers are putting theory to practice in their English classes here.

4. What Challenges Do Inclusive Education Teachers Face in Egyptian Society?
Inclusive Education aims to provide all children equal opportunities for learning, irrespective of race, class, gender, or disability. Anti-ableist movements across the world are calling on academic institutions to meet the needs of young people with disabilities, and many teachers are excited to answer their calls. However, some societies are still being held back by a lack of political and financial support for the cause. Public schools in Egypt continue to face major challenges in achieving their goal of inclusive education, as financial resources and qualified teachers continue to dwindle in numbers.
This study explores Egypt’s struggling education landscape and the challenges that hinder its students.

5. African American Influence on Jakarta’s Radios: How Does Black Culture Influence Global Music Trends?
Black American culture has often been cited as the source of many global trends. From fashion and dancing trends on TikTok to the Top 100 Charts, Black culture and attitudes continue to be drawn on as inspiration by international artists and content creators. One example is Ramengvrl, an Indonesian rap artist whose rise through the ranks of hip-hop stardom can be attributed to her use of African American Vernacular English (AAVE).
Explore AAVE’s influence on Ramengvrl’s lyrical identity here.
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KnE Publishing Top Picks For April 2023
To promote Open Research that highlights the latest developments in various fields, our journal editors have hand-picked recently published Open Access articles that explore themes of plastic surgery, puberty, education and female empowerment.