22nd–25th April 2019: QS-MAPLE Annual Strategic Summit, Dubai, UAE

Start Date: April 23, 2019
End Date: April 23, 2019
Location: Zayed University Convention Centre, Dubai, UAE

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Knowledge E is participating in the QS-MAPLE Annual Strategic Summit on 22nd-25th April 2019 that will take place in Dubai, UAE. Come along and don’t miss our talk on ‘Results of the Egyptian National University Rankings Committee 2016 – 2018’ led by our Director – Research & Publishing Services, Philip J. Purnell. For more information, kindly contact Knowledge E at info@knowledgee.com.


Workshop Title: ‘Results of the Egyptian National University Rankings Committee 2016 – 2018’
Date: Wednesday, April 23rd
Time: 2.30pm


Universities are centres for intellectual contribution and innovation that help drive change and impact society positively. Universities in the Middle East and Africa continue to strive to play these important roles. However, researchers in these regions face challenges ranging from funding, language and scope, which can lead to the undervaluation of their research output and sometimes limit their ability to contribute to global science.

At this conference, governmental officials, university administrators, directors of research centres, editors of academic journals, as well as young and expert researchers are all invited to discuss the barriers to university research excellence faced by researchers in the Middle East and Africa together with ways to overcome these challenges for the benefit of the region and the wider world. https://qsmaple.org/dubai-2019/
