Knowledge E launches KnE Materials Science

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 13th October, 2016 –  Today, Knowledge E announced the launch of its new series, KnE Materials Science  ISSN: 2519-1438 with the proceedings of the IV Sino-Russian ASRTU Symposium on Advanced Materials and Processing Technology  held in Ekaterinburg, Russia in June, 2016.

Many high quality academic conferences take place around the world and the electronic publication of their proceedings is a way to share original studies and unique findings with fellow scholars in related fields in order to elevate the global audiences and enrich the world’s scholarly literature in this important field.

Philip J. Purnell, Director of Research & Publishing Services at Knowledge E said: “KnE Materials Science is a key addition to our quickly expanding range of series. In this field, we are seeing a lot of interdisciplinary research presented at conferences that links various fundamental areas and practical applications and these proceedings often include highly cited studies”

KnE Materials Science is now actively seeking high quality conferences in interdisciplinary subject areas related to physics, chemistry of matter, engineering applications and industrial manufacturing processes. Materials include metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, energy materials, electrical materials, composite materials, fibers, nanostructured materials, nanocomposites, and biological and biomedical materials.

About KnE Publishing

All KnE Publishing conferences are initially screened for academic rigour, then each paper passes through the Crossref Similarity Check  to detect possible plagiarism and protect KnE Publishing content against future plagiarism and each paper is granted long term archiving in the Portico archive .  Knowledge E adheres to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE),  and publishes all its content under the creative commons attribution licence

About Knowledge E

Knowledge E was established in 2012 and has quickly become synonymous with collaboration, innovation and progression. Based in Dubai, UAE, at the centre of a region of vision and ambition, Knowledge E works passionately with all types of organisations and government entities within research and education to support their continued innovation and development by providing them with leading expertise, information resources and software solutions. This does for example include the KnE eLibrary Solution for research literature discovery and the KnE Publishing Platform for open access journal and conference proceedings publishing and indexing, along with associated research and publishing services for capacity building within academia.