Training programmes

The place for expert training solutions

Knowledge E approaches each project with the mindset of a strategic solutions partner rather than simply providing training. We foster a dedication to quality, human capital development, and sustainability as we leverage our domain expertise, expansive industry network, and dedication to innovation to best serve our clients in helping them maximise results and achieve their goals.

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Individual learners have attended our courses

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Academic topics delivered

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Successful courses across the MENA region

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Pages of original academic content produced and delivered

Track record of success

We are proud to possess a proven track record of success as; KnE Training has successfully delivered more than 250 training sessions throughout the MENA region in the past 4 years. We have received positive feedback from a variety of learning communities including industry professionals, government employees, researchers, professors, university management, librarians, journal editors, and community leaders

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Would recommend course to their colleagues

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Rate our course leaders as above average to outstanding

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Said their professional work will improve as a result of attendance

Our approach
KnE Learning our approach
Our audiences
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Individual Researchers

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University Leadership & Faculty

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Medical & Healthcare Professionals

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Editors and Research Managers

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Librarians & Information Professionals


KnE Training is approved and licensed by the Dubai Knowledge and Human Development Authority for our Professional and Management Development Training activities.

Learning journey

We add value to our clients by guiding and supporting them throughout a learning journey to guarantee that every training program is aligned with organizational goals, values, and standards. This ensures the maximization of every activity and value for our clients. We approach each project with three key questions in mind that allow us to better understand and collaborate with our clients.

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Teaching methods

Our pedagogy focuses on achieving practical learning outcomes by engaging learners and delivering tangible results in a student-centred learning environment. Our interactive workshops combine content delivery with hands-on exercises to maximize retention and empower learners to achieve success beyond the classroom. Our course leaders use a variety of tools to ensure that learner participation is maximized. These teaching tools are:

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Training topics

Each of our bespoke programs are tailored to suit the exact needs of our clients. Our most popular topics include:

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To explore more on how we can work together, please contact us at or request more information below:
