With less than a week to the implementation of VAT in the United Arab Emirates, many people still have questions. The Executive Regulation of the Federal Decree Law No. 8 of 2017 on Value Added Tax was issued in November 2017 and you can read it here. VAT...
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10 Cool tools that supercharge your business
There’s certainly no shortage of tools to help professionals in a variety of categories – Social Media, Analytics, File Transfer, Project Management, Communications etc. – so here’s a list of the 10 tools, I draw from as part of my toolkit to help you speed up your work. Secure your...
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Ten Tips to enhance the Credibility and Visibility of your Journal
Since the number of questionable publications is increasing, it’s important for publishers and Editors-in-Chief to enhance the credibility and visibility of their journal. We advise you to follow the below ten tips to achieve this goal: Mention the Abstracting & Indexing services that your journal is covered by it...
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Knowledge E celebrating our 5th Anniversary
Last month we celebrated our 5th year in operation. It is the perfect time to look back at the journey and to reflect on what we have achieved so far and the lessons learnt. It has been an exciting yet challenging journey and we have been fortunate to have the...
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Top 5 reasons why every academic should get an ORCID record today
There has been an explosion of ‘ORCID-fever’ in recent months throughout Middle Eastern university corridors. Lots of researchers are talking about this emerging identifier but not all are signing up. Here, I examine the top 5 reasons why scholars have decided to sign up, or not. Before we start,...
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How to Make Sure of a Journal Impact Factor & Its Indexing Information
Journal Impact Factor (JIF) of an academic journal is an indicator of the impact of a journal with respect to the quantity of scholarly research published in that journal. The JIF is calculated by dividing the number of citations received in a certain year for articles published in that journal...
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Happiness in the workplace – something to chase
If there were a worldwide bet on what one thing every single person on this earth would strive for, I would put all my money on ‘happiness’. Happiness is the foundation of everything and happiness can depend on many different things. Happiness at the workplace will be one piece in...
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اختر الدورية المناسبة لنشر أبحاثك .. المشاكل والحلول
Source: http://avesrapaces.wiki مقدمة: العديد من الدوريات تنشر حول العالم ويتم اطلاق دوريات جديدة كل أسبوع. وبالتزامن مع هذه الزيادة الكبيرة فى عدد الدوريات، ظهر للواجهة الكثير من الناشرين المخادعين (Questionable Publishers) وظهرت أيضا العديد من المماراسات المضللة والمخادعة .ومع الضغط المتزايد والمستمر الذى يتعرض له الباحث بضرورة النشر الي جانب...
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Navigating the safe passage through the minefield of predatory publishing
Like many of the world’s scholars, young researchers at Al-Nahrain University in Iraq have been told they need to publish research articles in academic journals in order to progress in their careers. Aware of the low acceptance rates and lengthy publication delays in traditional journals, many turn to relatively recently...
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